I have been working on a project titled HYPOCRISY MATH.
Beautiful, very affordable, eyeball-pleasing-for-years-to-come prints now available. All prints Ultrachrome Print on Epson Hot Press Bright. Here’s the form to order. Thanks++
5x7, $24 + $15 shipping = $39
8x10, $36 + $15 shipping = $51
9x12, $42 + $20 shipping=$62
11x14, $60 + $20 shipping=$80
Unfurled: paintings by Gilmore Tamny
Aeronaut Brewery Somerville, 14 Tyler St., Somerville, MA
March 24th through May 2nd, 2024.
Work and prints for sale.
Opening Reception, Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 p.m.
☕️ A Cup n’ Twenty for Doctors Without Borders Fundraiser 💵
A Cup n' Twenty for Doctors Without Borders
What do I do?
Drink a cup of coffee or tea and donate twenty dollars.
Do I have to drink coffee or tea to donate?
Can I donate more? Or less?
Where do I donate?
I've already donated.
Please share.
Fall 2023
Autumn Owl in Autumn tree
I love fall. But it sure seems like there’s less of it than there used to be. My fall movie recommendation is Hitchcock’s The Trouble with Harry (1955) which is as autumnal as it gets, plus the deadpaniest dialogue around, plus abstract expressionist painter character, plus abounding recognize-that-character-actor-from-other-TV-and-movies bingo opportunities, and lots of New England woods.
Destiny Eludes at Somerville Public Library (main branch) through July 2023
YART SALE, Sat., Aug 13th, 12:30-5-ish
Following the august (not August) tradition of infrequently updating your blog, I am happy to announce that I’ll have art for sale at the Somerville yart sale this Saturday. https://somervilleartscouncil.org/yartsale
It’s here
Check out more info about the writers and artists https://lilypoetryreview.blog
Lily Poetry Review…
…chock full o' poetry and art. Happy to have painting of mine on the cover, as designed by the fiendishly talented Martha McCullough. "Lily Poetry Review is an international literary journal devoted to poetry and visual arts, flash fiction and literary criticism by emerging and established writers and artists." https://lilypoetryreview.blog
By the Light of the Silvery Mouse (Hansel and Gretel on the Way to Their New Hom
Hansel and Gretel are real tuxedo kittens that were found in the woods. They were adopted by the most appreciative human friends conceivable and if that is not a fairy tale ending what is. I’ve been wanting to paint these two for a long time but had whisker-anxiety (a concern that I could not capture magnificent whiskerage). It may not entirely have done it, but pretty happy.
The Mystery Sees the Burden
As spokesmodel and manager of The Mystery I’m here to announce the latest manifestation of sound words now exists outside of the ether.
Faux-Medieval Tale of the Red Unicorn, Tree, and Rabbits
This is I suppose a bit of an homage to that famous tapestry “The Unicorn Rests in the Garden” although with different elements. And colors. And perspective. And animals. Whatever! I have been more a narwhale than a unicorn gal but why I thought you had to pick a team I’m not sure. For sale for that unicorn-lover in your life. Message moi for details.
COMING SOON: The Mystery Sees the Burden
Black Cat Jumping Under Blue Moon and/or Sun
Unusual Circumstances
The perfect snack.
Secret Society
This paining “Secret Society” took what seemed like a few forevers. I had to revise a lot. Painting something that is set at night is challenging in 100 different ways at once. That’s kind of overdoing it, but not much. I was pleased with how it turned out in the end. I really cared that the fire looked like convincing fire despite being made out of night and moonlight. And I really cared that the bunny looked big enough to be able to defend itself against the cat or the owl. I didn’t want anyone to be distracted by worrying about the rabbit’s safety. And so all great artist made. Ha ha Ha. Happily, this painting will soon have a wonderful new home.
Secret Society
Interview with Andrea Pensado for Non-Event.
I had the pleasure of speaking with composer and experimental musician Andrea Pensado, the realest of the real deals. It’s part of a series of Housecalls with Gilmore Tamny for Non-Event. More to come. Check out more of Andrea’s work here.
PORCHNAUSEUM Porchfest, Sat., Oct. 2nd, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
PORCHNAUSEUM, Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. with Somerville Speakout, Peanuts of Adventure, Tim Devin, Cotton Candy, and The Mystery.
Solving the Gardner Heist
After studying art crime one summer not that long ago (see: ARCA), I was happy to take all the skills I learned in the classroom, along with my legendary street smarts, and contribute to the burgeoning field of art crime. Yes, after a lot of hard work and round-the-clock investigation, I tracked down Rembrandt’s Storm on the Sea of Galilee at a yard sale in Somerville, MA. This painting is part of the haul from the infamous and famous and unsolved Isabella Stewart Gardner heist of 1990. I crowed over my success on Facebook to Arthur Brand—and bless the man, if he didn’t like my picture.
Mr. Tim Devin, who took this photo, was a critical agent in this painting’s recovery (not so much I need to split reward though). He did discover (for real) the owner of the painting’s partner’s mom (say that 12 times fast) had worked as a volunteer docent at the Gardner. For years. Hmmmm. Hmmmmm!
For now, I’m wondering if in addition to Murder Mystery Dinner Theater $$$ might be made on Major Art Heist Recovery Dinner Theater. What a thrill.