HAIKU4U by Gilmore Tamny, 68 pages, Ohio Edit Press, $12 including shipping in the U.S.


HAIKU4U review in The New Southern Fugitive


"In these apocalyptic end-times, I recommend reading twenty of Ms. Tamny's haikus every day to remind yourself that humankind is still, in certain rare instances, redeemable. May god bless her!" -Daniel Clowes, cartoonist, graphic novelist, illustrator, and screenwriter and author of Eightball, Ghostworld, and Patience.

HAIKU4U, OhioEdit press, 2019, 68 pages, $12 postage paid in U.S.

HAIKU4U, OhioEdit press, 2019, 68 pages, $12 postage paid in U.S.